Sunday, February 12, 2012

Why do Christians still believe the bible?

There are so many errors. Here are a few:

for the pillars of the earth are the LORD's, and he hath set the world upon them. (1 Sam 2:8)

the world also is established, that it cannot be moved.(Psa 93:1)

Well we know that the world is not on a pillar and it moves as well (about 18.5 mi/sec)

Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass? Job 37:18

In this time mirrors were made of bronze or copper ( the NIV replaces molten with bronze in fact) Either way we know that the sky is not a solid dome, otherwise space shuttles and satellites would be crashing into it.

This doesnt include biological, mathematical, and historical inaccuracies. Christians usually say that these parts arent to be taken literally but what constitutes what is literal and what is not? Why do Christians still believe the bible?
That's exactly the problem. Christians enjoy taking certain parts of the Bible literally and others figuratively. How does that make sense? Beats me.
The Bible is the foundation for the religion. The errors are those of man and most Christians don't worry about what one person believes is an error, when there are many reasons why those alleged errors can exist: copying mistakes are only one of them.

The few examples you cite are allusions, as most of the Old testament is poetical in nature.Why do Christians still believe the bible?
The Bible is the way God chose to reveal Himself to us.

It was written by 40 different men, whom God moved and inspired to write down His message to us. It was written over a period of about 2000 years and its message is consistent and in unity. Hundreds of its prophecies have been fulfilled. This is amazing!

It is historically and archaelogically accurate.

There is some poetic language.

Many lives have been changed because of it.

If you really want to know God, seek Him and you will find Him.

That's one of His promises.

Because it would denounce the entire basis of the religion, thus denouncing the religion itself.

They should just come to terms with it already and look at the facts, not the fiction.Why do Christians still believe the bible?

Take things in context and with a view to the education available in the times of the prophets. 3,000 years from now, if anyone reads what you like now, they'll probably laugh their heads off at what rubes we were.
Depends on which referential system you use. If you use the earth as a reference system, then it's not moving. That's called relativity.
Because most of them have been indoctrinated when they were too young and uneducated to tell fantasy from reality.
If a person wants to believe something badly enough, I suppose, they are able to look past all of the inconsistencies.
Not all Christians do. Many of us believe Christ lives outside a book that was written for a people of a bygone era.
Some people hate the idea of admitting their mistake.
The world is not the Earth.
Some people like to buy bull.

Because we want to.
because we believe. just respect those who have their own beliefs. period.
I think you will find these people have compiled the evidence that the bible is truthful and corect Unlocking the Mystery of Life 67 minutes

Documentary that tells the story of contemporary scientists who are advancing a powerful but controversial idea... the concept of "intelligent design." It is a theory based upon overwhelming biochemical evidence.

book THE CASE FOR CHRIST:by Lee Strobel

'Darwin's Black Box' writen by biochemist Michael Behe

The Wedge of Truth by Phillip E. Johnson

Video:Unlocking the Mystery of Life Dean H. Kenyon is Professor Emeritus of Biology at San Francisco State University. He received his Ph.D. in Biophysics from Stanford University. He was a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemical Biodynamics at the University of California at Berkeley, a Research Associate at NASA-Ames Research Center, and a Visiting Scholar at Trinity College, Oxford University.

Prof. Kenyon coauthored Biochemical Predestination which is one of the leading monographs on the origin of life, and Of Pandas and People: The Central Question of Biological Origins. He contributed chapters to the Festschrift volumes for origin-of-life researchers A. I. Oparin and Sidney W. Fox, and has published papers on chemical evolution, protocell models, and the RNA-world hypothesis.

Dr. Kenyon's current research interests focus on linguistic, statistical, and visual imaging analysis of coding and non-coding DNA sequences.

Wow! Are you a fundamentalist?

The bible must not be read so literally. If you read a poem that describes the world as resting on pillars placed there by God, would you get in a snit, or would you be charmed by the imagery? Surely you would understand that what the author meant is that we, as humans, must have God as the foundation in our lives. Well, guess what? That's exactly what that bible verse means!

I really wish some of you atheists or agnostics would take a serious look at how Catholics read the bible. You might be pleasantly surprised at the beauty and truth you'd find.
Is the Bible true? Why do I believe the Bible to be true? If the Bible is indeed what it claims to be, the implications for us are considerable. The Bible candidly claims to be "given by inspiration of God.” Of course, the Bible isn’t the only book to claim divine inspiration, but it’s unique in that it offers substantial evidence to back its claims. Check out the claims and the evidence at…

Some "Bible contradictions" appear contradictory solely because of the intricacies of Bible translation. Analysis of the original languages of the Bible (Hebrew for the Old Testament and Greek for the New Testament) can solve many apparent issues. It's no different than any other textual review of translated material. All languages (including especially Hebrew and Greek) have special limitations and nuances that cause difficulty in translation. The historical context of the translation can also cause some misunderstanding.

Are there good answers to alleged Bible contradictions?

If a person reads the Bible, without being on a mission to find contradictions, he/she will find the Bible to be understandable, consistent, and in harmony. Admittedly, yes, there are some passages that are difficult to explain. Yes, there are some passages of Scripture that seem to contradict other passages of Scripture. Why is this? The Bible was written by approximately 40 different authors over a period of around 1500 years. The Bible covers many different topics. The literature in the Bible is in different forms, i.e. poetry, history, teaching, prophecy. Each writer of a book of the Bible wrote their book(s) to a different audience, from a different perspective, and for a different purpose. As a result of all of these facts, we should expect some differences!

However, a difference is not the same thing as a contradiction. It is only a contradiction if there is conclusively no possible answer for how the verses or passages can be in agreement. Even if the answer has not yet been discovered, that does not mean an answer does not exist. Many skeptics and critics of the Bible have promoted a supposed contradiction in the Bible in relation to history or geography only to later be proven wrong once further archaeological evidence is discovered.

So, how can we answer supposed Bible contradictions?

? First, prayerfully study the problem and see if there is a clear and adequate solution.

? Engage in research using some of the fine Bible resources that are available, including commentaries, Bible defense books, and biblical research websites.

? Speak to your pastor or a teacher in your church.

If there is still no clear solution to the apparent contradiction after these steps are followed, we have to trust in God that His Word is truth and that there is a solution that just simply has not been realized yet (2 Timothy 2:15; 3:16-17).

Those that take the Bible as literally true are emotionally and intellectually immature. They are probably closet Santa believers, too.

The child/Daddy relationship many Christians have with their god is too comforting to give up. It would be like taking a nipple away from a baby's hungry mouth.

Edit @ Serenity - sorry to burst your bubble, poo-bah, but your religion is even more absurd than Christianity, because it's a rip-off of the Jewish Torah and the Christian New Testament. That makes it an even bigger lie than the other two.
One writer asserted: “All the writers of the Old Testament regarded the Earth as a flat plate, and they sometimes referred to the pillars which were supposed to support it.” This is not true, though. Isaiah spoke of the “One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth.” (Isaiah 40:22) And Job said of this One: “He is stretching out the north over the empty place, hanging the earth upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) The description of the earth as a round body suspended in space with no visible support sounds remarkably modern.

the Bible often uses poetic language that reflects the perceptions of people living thousands of years ago. When the book of Job speaks of Jehovah beating or forging the skies “hard like a molten mirror,” it well describes the skies as a metal mirror that gives off a bright reflection. (Job 37:18) There is no need to take the illustration literally, any more than you would the illustration of the earth having “socket pedestals” or a “cornerstone.” It is no more literal than the heavens shaking, or the "doors" in heaven. (See 2 Samuel 22:8; Psalm 78:23, 24.)

It would have been pointless and distracting for God to couch the Bible in language that would appeal to a 20th-century scientist. Instead of scientific formulas, the Bible comes alive with vivid illustrations taken from the everyday life of the people who first wrote them down—images that crackle with timeless power even today.—Job 38:8-38; Isaiah 40:12-23.

Me thinks that the writer's problem, is that he is coming into his study of the Bible specifically looking for anything that he can find to discredit it (bringing his biases and presuppositions along with him). The fact is, however, that if you really want something inaccurate to be there, you can find it, and no amount of reasoning or evidence will convince you otherwise. But whether or not that inaccuracy exists in reality, is a completely different question. People tend to see what they want to see, and will hear what they want to hear (The asker and atheists are most definitely not excluded from this, much to their chagrin.)
The world would be in huge Chaos for them. The reason i believe they still choose to stay christian is because they are afraid to become Muslims. ( where there is no errors in the Quran, for it is true words of God. ( no mistakes.. for he created everything and the universe and would know he didnt place time mirrors made of bronze )

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