Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ken Follett Novelist new publications.?

Does anyone know if Ken Follett has written any novels lately please. Not that any could compare with his novel 'The Pillars Of The Earth'.Ken Follett Novelist new publications.?
His latest book is entitled: "Whiteout". It is about a canister of the deadly Madoba-2 virus going missing. Details of the plot are given in the link below.


The following recent statement by him might interest you:

"Ever since The Pillars of the Earth was published in 1989, readers have been asking me to write a sequel.The book is so popular that I’ve been nervous about trying to repeat its success. But at last I’ve screwed up my courage and begun 'World without End'.

I couldn’t write another book about building a cathedral, because that would be the same book. And I couldn’t write another story about the same characters, because by the end of “Pillars” they are all very old or dead. So I’m working on a story that takes place in the same town, Kingsbridge, and features the descendants of the “Pillars” characters two centuries later.

The cathedral and the priory are again at the centre of a web of love and hate, greed and pride, ambition and revenge. But at the heart of the story is the greatest natural disaster ever to strike the human race: the plague known as the Black Death, which killed something like half the population of Europe in the fourteenth century. The people of the Middle Ages battled this lethal pestilence and survived – and, in doing so, laid the foundations of modern medicine.

I’m hoping to finish the book around May 2007, so that it can be published in time for Christmas that year. Wish me luck!"


I hope the news of this sequel pleases you.Ken Follett Novelist new publications.?
Excuse my ignorance, but who was Edward Burke? The quotation you use of his is very apt for these troubled times.

As the song goes 'Where have all the good men gone? ' Gone to graveyards everyone'

Perhaps not true, but it appears that way at this present time.

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Ken Follett Novelist new publications.?
Edmund Burke was a British Parliamentarian, a major political thinker of his time, who sought ideals of society and Government.…

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Thank you for your kind comments and the 10 points given.

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