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Sunday, February 5, 2012
What sort of disease might that be?
In the series The_Pillars_of_the_Earth, lady Regan, mother of William Hamleigh has a large stain in the face. What is that?What sort of disease might that be?
Port-Wine stain?
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Error in todays BIBLE regarding 'the Heavens'. For...
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China grap north korea and japan grap south korea?
Pillar"s of the earth mini series?
The dangers of interpreting the Bible too literally?
How come muhammad knew that mountain has a functio...
Christians, what do you think of this comment to a...
Are Physicists wrong? Job 9:6 Which shaketh the ea...
Christians, don't you agree that Galileo is intell...
Creationists (6-day creation): Would you know the ...
Would it make more sense for Young Earth Creationi...
Earlier I was asked to provide an inaccuracy in th...
What evidences can Christian provide to me that Bi...
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Will I go to Hell, if I don't believe that the Ear...
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I believe all man has free will, that while a God ...
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Atheists, do you understand that not everything in...
I have to read a historical fiction book and do a ...
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What would you name your children if you had to na...
Going on a road trip NEED GOOD BOOKS?
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Why do many Christian fundamentalists focus on evo...
Historical romance novels including forced marriag...
Book suggestion please??=D?
Ken follet?
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LET'S POLL : The Walking Dead.......?
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Blog Archive
Christians and Atheists : why do peoples blame tha...
Error in todays BIBLE regarding 'the Heavens'. For...
Beloved Christians, explain me about this, regardi...
China grap north korea and japan grap south korea?
Pillar"s of the earth mini series?
The dangers of interpreting the Bible too literally?
How come muhammad knew that mountain has a functio...
Christians, what do you think of this comment to a...
Are Physicists wrong? Job 9:6 Which shaketh the ea...
Christians, don't you agree that Galileo is intell...
Creationists (6-day creation): Would you know the ...
Would it make more sense for Young Earth Creationi...
Earlier I was asked to provide an inaccuracy in th...
What evidences can Christian provide to me that Bi...
Why do Flat-earthers consider themselves Bible lit...
Will I go to Hell, if I don't believe that the Ear...
Did the Flat Earth Society misinterpret the Bible?
Based on the books and movies I like, how do I com...
Are prologues really that popular?
Have you read any of these books?
If your up to the challenge. Can you recommend a g...
I need a book suggestion! SERIOUS readers need onl...
Some book suggestions? thanks!?
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How can I understand my husband better?
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How many books have you read so far this year?
Need another Medieval Fiction book to read any ide...
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Book Suggestions please, :)?
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Peoples i need your opinion!!?
Which book should I choose to do a paper on?
I do not speak very well English. Check the errors...
Why is my husband like this?
Explain the money system to me in the 1100's?
I love to read but need a good, long, book to end ...
Please correct my english?
I'm smart but not school smart, help!?
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Can someone please recommend a good book to read w...
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Pride and Prejudice !! For All you Readers !!?
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Catholics: What about all these movies/TV series t...
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Books to read? Thank you?
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Need a new show to watch, PLEASE HELP! In need of ...
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"Can't put it down" book recommendation?
I just finished my book, please give me some sugge...
~鈾?Inspiring Teen Book recommendations?
I'm looking for some great books to read?
Which of these books should I check out from the l...
Would anyone care to take my survey?
How can I understand my husband better?
What should I read this summer?
Atheists, do you realize that many "silly" parts i...
Anyone like the books I do? If so recommend some o...
Anyone have suggestions on a romance novel I shoul...
Anyone have suggests on a romance novel I should r...
Any good book recommendations based on a few of th...
What are some of your favorite books? ?
Spiritually speaking, are you a bibliophile?
Do You Have Some Suggestions For A Really Great Lo...
Looking for the title and author of a crime novel.?
What was life like in the 1100's?
Am I reading adult literacy level books?
I believe all man has free will, that while a God ...
Will I enjoy Bram Stoker's "Dracula"?
Atheists, do you understand that not everything in...
I have to read a historical fiction book and do a ...
Why do Christians still believe the bible?
Have you read any of this?
10 points for best answer?
A question about sin...?
How can I search a text file in C++?
What would you name your children if you had to na...
Going on a road trip NEED GOOD BOOKS?
Any 9th - 19th century book suggestions, please?
Why do many Christian fundamentalists focus on evo...
Historical romance novels including forced marriag...
Book suggestion please??=D?
Ken follet?
Book suggestions =) Please?
LET'S POLL : The Walking Dead.......?
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