Mine? Well.It would be Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire and Pillars of the Earth..What two books could you read over and over again...?
hey catcher in the rye`s good im reading it at the moment!
has to be FREAKY FIDAY and BART SIMPSONS guide
to LIFE yeah...
but also blue moon - good non famous book!really!
harry poter!What two books could you read over and over again...?
cather in the rye
portnoy's complaint
the republic and omertaWhat two books could you read over and over again...?
Twilight and Eclipse. I would say New Moon but I don't if I could handle all the sadness and crying, me and Bella.lol
The Screwtape Letters
Nicholas and Alexandra
I'm constantly reading and I never read a book just once. I've read Screwtape at least 5 times a year since I was 11. And I've read N%26amp;A twice already this year. I loved the Twilight series as well and ANYTHING by Neil Gaiman or CS Lewis or JRR Tolkien. Now if you'll excuse me, I think Atticus Finch is calling...
Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer
Dairy Queen by Catherine Murdock Gilbert
harry potter and nancy drew maybe
i can read harry potter all the time too, i keep half blood prince on my night stand and usually pick it up when i cant fall asleep. harry potter aside, two books i love to read again and again are The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan and one from my childhood, Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH.
chinese cinderella
harry potter
The da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
The Promise by Eva Schloss and Barbara Powers (this is a very small book, not the type of book i would read, but somehow it ended up in my hands and i read it, it i would read it a million time more, i loved it)
I've definitely read Harry Potter quite a few times, the whole series, but I can read Pride and Prejudice over and over and over again without getting tired of it. I'm actually sure how many times I've read it thus far, but it's certainly more than 10. Another book I can just read over and over is Dangerous Angels by Francesca Lia Block. I love the way it's written, it has great and bizarre characters, and it's one of my all-time favorites. I think I've read the whole thing about 6 times, maybe more.
Master and Commander by Patrick O'brian...(supremely good historical fiction but omg they made a hash of the movie).
And I've read Jean Auel's "The Clan of the Cavebear" and the rest of the Earth's Children Series a bunch of times. Best caveman story ever written.
I'm a big Harry Potter fan too but episode 7 was such a weak convoluted mess it sort of spoiled it for me.
Other than having to reread books for different classes... There have only been two books that I have willingly read more than once. The Bible and To Kill A Mockingbird.
Any Harry Potter and maybe White Oleander.
Les Miserables and One Hundred Years of Solitude
Twilight and Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer. Both are so addictive.
That German one, "Das Jahrhundert der W?lfe", its "Hope against Hope" in english I think... Its awesome even tho I'm only 14 so a little young to read such books, but check it out, it rocks
Second one: "Speak" by Dunno... a friend lent it to me a few days ago and I finished it in one go, it ROCKS! its really unknown but still really good, like it tells the story of this girl in a really like-it-is way, you HAVE TO read it!! I loved it!
Twilight and Jane Eyre
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (even though it's an invest of time) and anything by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia.
The Grey King by Susan Cooper
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
(There are a few adult books, too, but as I'm a children's librarian I keep coming back to these)
5 People you meet in heaven by Mitch Albom..
let me see...
Da Vinci Code...
summer in the city by elizabeth chandler
the best girl by rachel hawthorne
major crush by jennifer echols
oops thats three lol
"Alice in Wonderland" and "The Stranger"
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