Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ken Follett............?

Anyone reading Pillars of the Earth that wants to talk about it? I've just begun it.Ken Follett............?
I am not a Ken Follett fan at all, so it took me a long time to get around to this book. I finally read it after recommendations from friends.

I liked it very much. It's quite a departure from his normal stuff. If you just started reading it, I don't want to give away any spoilers :) But, if you like historical fiction, you will enjoy this book.

He clearly did a lot of research into the time period to write the book. The flavor of day to day life seems right. I loved all the little details about what they ate, how they thought, and so on. My only real gripe is that it seems "Forest Gumpish" in that most every important event of the era is experienced by the one extended family .... pretty unlikely! But I guess he had to do it this way to make a coherent story.

KF has finally, after many years, written a sequel of sorts, that takes place maybe 50-100 years later. I have not read it yet but it's on my list. If you enjoy Pillars of the Earth you may also want to look into it.
wrong place try here.

-Ken Follett............?
You are in for a treat - especially if you like historical fiction. It is absolutely the best book I have ever read - and believe me, I read a lot - about 90 book a year.

Follett has a way of making you love the people you are supposed to love - and loathe all the creeps.

Historically, the book is pretty right on - what with the politics in the church at that time (why pick out that time - how about just plain politics in the church). His descriptions of how the people lived is pretty accurate too - makes you glad you're living in this time period.

Once you finish this book - you need to read his new book End of the World. It takes place 200 years later and is my second favorite book of all time.

I hope that Follett keeps writing in this genre - I have read some of his WWII fictions - and some of his spy stuff - and while entertaining, they do not hold a candle to these two books.

I hope that you enjoy this book as much as I did. This is one of those books that I will need to read every 12 - 18 months because it is so wonderful.

Happy Reading!

And unlike any of Follett's other books. A historical novel that makes you really feel what it was like to live in 12th century England, it has a complex plot and well-drawn characters. Kind of makes you appreciate civilization and the slow work of building the cathedral symbolizes that, I think. I also just finished the recent sequel "World Without End" which follows the descendents of those characters in "Pillars". Excellent books!Ken Follett............?
What would you like to know about it? It's my favorite book.

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