Sunday, February 5, 2012

Need a new reading material ideas please!?

I love to read and lately have been reading historical fiction (i.e. the pillars of the earth, archers tale, etc.) I feel like reading something a bit more modern for a while. Ideally a mystery of some sort, but one that involves regular people and not the same old cop or detective solving a murder. I'd love any feedback. Thanks!Need a new reading material ideas please!?
Anastasia (The Ringing Cedars, Book 1) by Vladimir Megre. Definitely not the "same old" type of book. Hope you enjoy.Need a new reading material ideas please!?
I suggest the Hunger Games series. It is a great series even though it is a "young adult" series. I am in my mid 20s and I still loved it! Another great author is James Patterson. Also books by Sandra Brown and J.D. Robb have recently caught my interest. They are a bit naughty and sexual at times but they are well thought out and interesting.

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