Sunday, February 5, 2012

SURVEY: What's the best book you have ever read?

i just bought the pillars of the earth, mary called magdalene, tuesdays with morrie, kite runner and california club coz they said it's nice. pls tell me more exciting books that i can add to my collections. im trying to fill my bookshelves but dont want to buy if just a matter of filling the space. i want to read it too but just looking for any kinds of genres.

i have quite a collection now but want to know the public's comment.SURVEY: What's the best book you have ever read?
Try some of these

Children/Young Adult

Last Chance by Sarah Dessen

Before I Die by Jenny Downham

Inkheart and Inkspell by Cornelia Funkt

Ingo series by Helen Dunmore

Whistling for the Elephants by Sandi Toksvic

The Book Thief by Markus Zusack

All the Harry Potter books

Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer

The Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling

The Railway Children - E Nesbit

Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carol

Treasure Island and Kidnapped - Robert Louis Stevenson

The Chronicles of Narnia

The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd

Dating Hamlet by Lisa Fielder

A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks

Maximum Ride by James Herbert


Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Album

The Sixth Wife by Suzannah Dunn

No! I don鈥檛 want to join a Book Club by Virgina Ironside

Gods Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips

Innocent Traitor by Alison Weir......and her other books

The Other Bolyen Girl by Philippa Gregory.......and her other books

The Time Travelers Wife by Audrey Neffenigger

Best of Fathers by Anne Baker

The Knitting Circle by Ann Hood

Cell by Stephen King

My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult

Swimming with the Fishes and Swimming without a net by MaryJanice Davidson

Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill

Mr Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke

Song of the Sound by Adam Armstrong

My Legendary Girlfriend by Mike Gayle and his others

Mr McGreggor, The Last Lighthouse Keeper, Animal Instincts, Only Dad, Rosie, Love and Dr Devon all by Alan Titchmarsh

Pillars of the Earth and the sequel World Without End by Ken Follett

Anything by Stephen King, John Saul, John Connolly, Alexander McCall Smith, Terry Pratchett, James Herbert


Lord of the Flies and The Inheritors by William Golding

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

Gulliver's Travels by Johnathan Swift

Sons and Lovers - D H Lawrence

Lady Chatterley鈥檚 Lover 鈥?D H Lawrence

Great Gatsby - Scot Fitzgerald

1984 and Animal Farm 鈥?George Orwell

Mrs Dalloway - Virginia Wolfe

I Claudius - Robert Graves

Rebecca - Daphne de Maurier

Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck

Decline and Fall - Evelyn Waugh

Women in Love - D H Lawrence

Lord Jim - Joseph Conrad

A Portrait of an Artist as a Young man - James Joyce

Goodbye to all That - Robert Graves

Shirley - Charlotte Bronte

Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte

Brave New World - Aldais Huxley

Anna Karnina - Tolstoy

The Hobbit - JRR Tolkien

Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens

Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens

Lolita - Vladimer Naborkov

Tarka the Otter - Henry Williamson

Burning Bright - John Steinbeck

Travels with my Aunt - Graham Greene

The Pearl - John Steinbeck

A Room With a View - E M Forster

Hunchback of Notre Dame - Victor Hugo

Les Miseriables - Victor Hugo

Lorna Doon - R D Blackmore

Moll Flanders - Daniel Defoe

Brideshead Revisted - Evelyn Waugh

War and Peace - Tolstoy

Anything by Jane Austin


Odd Thomas series by Dean Koontz

The Arthur Trilogy by Bernard Cornwall starts with Winter King

The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind starts with Wizards First Rule

The Dark Tower series by Stephen King starts with The Gunslinger

The Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon starts with Cross Stitch

harry potter...i normally dont like books since they bore me...but i LOVED these!!!!!! maybe im younger than most so i dont like that many books:DSURVEY: What's the best book you have ever read?
"the river witch" is my favorite

also jane eyre and

don't look and it won't hurt
i have read a lot of books. in my list, you could see the lord of the rings trilogy, books by haruki murakami especially sputnik sweetheart, and of course the alchemist by paolo coelho.SURVEY: What's the best book you have ever read?
To Kill a Mockingbird --Harper Lee

The Shack --William P. Young
Life of Pi by Yann Martel

It is so great. It is honestly a book that I got through reading and it changed my perceptive of society. It is a work of art.
the kitchen god's wife by amy tan is pretty good....and so is the lovely bones..i forget who wrote that one that....
Penedragon series by D. J. MacHale

Ender's Game series and it's companion series Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card

Chris Crutcher's books

Define "Normal" by Julie Anne Peters

Catalyst and Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson

That Was Then This Now by S.E. Hinton

King Dork by Frank Portman

Skate by Michael Harmon

Runaway by Wendelin Van Draanen

Don't You Dare Read this Ms. Humphry by Margaret Peterson Haddix

Shadow Children Series by Margaret Peterson Haddix or any of her other books for that matter

Tillerman Cycle series by Cynthia Voight, also her book Izzy Willy-nilly is really good

Surviving the Applewhites by Stephanie Tolan

Maxium Ride series by James Patterson

Keys to the Kingdom series by Garth Nix

Chronicals of Narnia by C.S. Lewis

The Enchanted Forest Chronicals by Patricia C. Wrede

The Frog Princess series by E.D. Baker

Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

Tangerine by Edward Bloor

Gym Candy by Carl Deuker

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Anne Brashears

Runaway by Wendelin Van Draanen (which came from the book Sammy Keyes and the Sisters of Mercy, same author)

Who's Your Daddy and Chicks Ahoy by Lynda Sandoval

Drums, Girls %26amp; Dangerous Pie by Jordan Sonnenblick

How NOT to Spend Your Senior Year by Cameron Dokey

Ella Enchanted and The Wish by Gail Carson Levine

Armagedon Summer by Bruce Coville and Jane Yolen

Z is for Zachariah (can't remember the author though)

Maximum Ride series by James Patterson

When the Wind Blows and it's sequel Lake House by James Patterson (same concept as the Maximum Ride series but not the same characters)

Kissing Doorknobs by Terry Spencer Hesser

Once Upon a Marigold by Jean Ferris

Parents Wanted and Not as Crazy as I Seem by George Harrar

Racing the Past by Sis Deans

Soccer Duel byThomas J. Dygard

Monster in Me by Mette Ivie Harrison

My life and death, by Alexandra Canarsie by Susan Heyboer O'Keefe

Click Here to See How I Survived Seventh Grade by Denise Vega

After by Francine Prose

Skin by Adrienne Maria Vrettos

Inside Out by Terry Trueman

Holding at Third by Linda Zinnen

If you like books of short stories try theses:

You Bet Your Planet edited by Martin H. Greenberg %26amp; Brittinay A. Keren

Half Human edited by Bruce Coville

On the Fringe edited by Donald R Gallo

To name a few. These are all books I've read over the years and really enjoyed. Unfortnately most of them are stil at my parents house but my mom is sending them as soon as she can. Hope that give a few options at least
For fantasy-based book, I vote for Harry Potter series. Personal favourite to the third book (Harry potter and the prisoner of Azkaban)

For reality-based, Sidney Sheldon's pieces are the best especially "If tomorrow comes"

VAMPIRATES!!! by Justin Somper.

I LOVE and ADORE these books. They are no William Shakespeare play but they are a whole lot of fun to read!!!
Anything by Donald Edwin Westlake also known as Richard Stark. He is the Best crime novelist in the world. They did the movie Payback with Mel Gibson off one of his books.
Hi !

The History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides . A book that encompasses a synoptic overview of war in both the military and political arenas .

Bats, Brats, and Stats - George Brennan, Jr.
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