Sunday, February 12, 2012

Please Discuss I Samuel 2:4-8. Why do we acknowledge satan?

4The bows of the mighty men are broken, and they that stumbled are girded with strength.

5They that were full have hired out themselves for bread; and they that were hungry ceased: so that the barren hath born seven; and she that hath many children is waxed feeble.

6The LORD killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up.

7The LORD maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up.

8He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD's, and he hath set the world upon them.

To me this verse says that Our God [the God of the Bible]

is the worker of everything. My question is why then do we look at demons and satan as being any real influence?

I'm not saying that they are Not, I'm just trying to get more perspectives on the issue.

Does God do everything?Please Discuss I Samuel 2:4-8. Why do we acknowledge satan?
We need to know our enemy. He has no authority, but he is crafty. God is sovereign, but he allows certain things. You may recall that in Gen 1:26-28 he gave man dominion over the earth.

If God retained complete control for himself, Adam would never have sinned, and God would not have been able to show his mercy on us who repent when there is nothing to repent from.

Not only is God a good God, but he is also a just God. In his goodness he cannot allow evil to continue eternally. In order to do this without stepping outside of his goodness or justice, there are certain sacrifices that he has to make. If he were to simply destroy all that is evil, he would be stepping outside of his goodness. It almost seems like he is waiting for evil to destroy itself.

In order for him to show his mercy, he needs to let evil continue for a season because some of us will repent, and those of us who do, he forgives, but his justice will not sleep for ever. There is a day coming when all who do not repent will be cast into the lake of fire.
God is not the author of confusion,satan is the reason for sin,evil and anything to hurt someone,God is love and satan

want,s your soul in Hell and will decieve you.Please Discuss I Samuel 2:4-8. Why do we acknowledge satan?
To know your enemy and his tactics is great wisdom but allow the enemy full reign by ignoring him makes him a deadly silent assassin indeed.

God is in control of all things and He permits satan to sift the wheat from the chaff,but this does not mean that we should remain ignorant and blind to this vile deceiver`s tricks.
This is the way I understand it. God doesn't do everything, but He does have knowledge of it and allows it. Why? Only God knows.

The best way to understand the way God works in the world is to read the book of Job.Please Discuss I Samuel 2:4-8. Why do we acknowledge satan?
By this chapter, yes he would like you to think exactly that. But I have noticed that somewhere in all the bible, he always tells you he can kill you. Theats and fear...always there.

Now you know why I don't follow him.

I believe it is an all or nothing proposition. In that I mean that if God has a hand in all the things the above quote says, then I would have a real problem with him. Therefore, I assume he does not.

Satan does not exist. He is one of the many ancient ways of explaining the oldest religious question; why do good things happen to bad people?

I choose to believe that it is the nature of existence in this world that we suffer. Buddha taught a very basic way that you can follow to end suffering. It does not involve rituals, deities or demons. Check it out some time.
I'll give it a shot.

First off, this is a prayer by Sam's mother. I;m not sure that I would call her a "prophet", but I'll even take this at face value.

Does God bring both rain and drought? life and death? This is one of those prickly questions in the metaphysical realm.

First off, Hannah believes that God is all powerful. That He can and will do anything.

In Job, we see satan being bounded by God, and the doing his best on Job.

We see satan tempting Jesus early in the gospel account.

Even satan found Jesus attractive and was like a moth around the candle.

So, there is this idea that satan is merely a tool used by God. satan doesn't mean to be, but he can't help himself. he is who he is. So, the enemy continues to lie to us, and to distract us from the true path.

A better question might be, "Why does God allow satan to roam the earth?"
Hey Literal Derek, when reading the bible try not to question until you recieve the message.

This passage discusses the power of "God".

I'm not sure of your age or faith status, but the so-called "demons and satan" of which you speak are the dark sides of our own personalities. It is ourselves that allow ourselves to be influenced. Religion personifies these dark personal traits as "demons and satan". If you are looking for good influence, surround yourself with good people.

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