Sunday, February 12, 2012

Will some Christians EVER learn?

The Bible says the earth was flat or a circle (contradicts itself), Magellan sailed AROUND the earth proving that the earth is a sphere.

Job 38:12-13 "take the earth by the edges and shake the wicked out of it

Matthew 4:1-12 "[T]he devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them"

The Bible says that the earth did not move and the sun orbited around the earth because the Bible says that. They were wrong. Galileo was imprisoned for life and one of his friends was killed by the church.

(Psalms 93:1)"Surely the world is established so that it cannot be moved."

Samuel 2:8)"For the pillars of the earth are the Lord's, And He has set the world upon them". If you go to any seashore, you are bound to see houses built on pillars, and yet the houses don't move. How strange.

The Bible says that rabbits chewed their cud.

Lev. 11:6 And the hare, because he cheweth the cud"|||Job 38:12-13 "take the earth by the edges and shake the wicked out of it.

First of all, the Earth isn't a perfect sphere. It has mountains, valleys, and lumps and bumps everywhere - with edges. But that's beside the point. I don't know what version of the bible you're using but it isn't correct. See the King James version for most accurate results:

12Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days; and caused the dayspring to know his place;

13That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it?

See, ends of the earth isn't the same as 'edges'. 'Dayspring' is an allusion to Jesus Christ coming to earth to 'shake evil' from the farthest reaches.

"Matthew 4:1-12 "[T]he devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them"

This shows you know nothing of the subject. The first quote was from one of the new bible translations while this one is from the original translation. If you knew what you were doing you wouldn't jump between them like this.

Anyway, Jesus and Satan didn't stroll up a mountain together then gaze out on the horizon. It's illogical to take this literally. This is relating a sort of 'higher form of sight', (powers possessed by Satan and Christ alone), to the human mind. We can't imagine what it's like to see 'the whole world at once' so this is a fitting metaphor.

Quote: They were wrong. Galileo was imprisoned for life and one of his friends was killed by the church.

By the Catholic church. The Catholic church was (and is) the last remnant of the Roman Empire. They simply adapted to Christianity as a form of survival but all in all they made up their own laws and ignored the bible. They even kept people illiterate to prevent them from reading the bible and learning just how much the Vatican ignores it. They killed far more true Christians (about 60, million) than they killed scientists and philosophers so don't blame that on Christianity. The inquisition was launched against Christianity, not science.

Quote: (Psalms 93:1)"Surely the world is established so that it cannot be moved."

You've swapped bibles again. You should watch that.

real version:

1The LORD reigneth, he is clothed with majesty; the LORD is clothed with strength, wherewith he hath girded himself: the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved.

I'll split this for clarities' sake:

Quote: 1The LORD reigneth, he is clothed with majesty; the LORD is clothed with strength,

So ... the lord rules, he is great and strong

Quote: wherewith he hath girded himself: the world also is stablished,

See here? It says 'also is (e)stablished', so the world is established like God, which means it too is great and strong.

Quote: that it cannot be moved.

The world and God are great and strong. And that won't change. This whole passage is talking about the strength of God, the Subject is about God's strength, and not the earth. Subject = God's power = unmoving

Okay. next part:

Quote: Samuel 2:8)"For the pillars of the earth are the Lord's, And He has set the world upon them"

Once again you're leaving bits out.

Real version:

8He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD's, and he hath set the world upon them.

This has nothing to do with a flat Earth. It can't even be taken out of context to mean that. But anyway ...

God owns the pillars that hold up the Earth.

Whatever you assume the 'pillars' to be, it has nothing to do with a flat Earth. In this case they've probably something to do with the princes mentioned in the line before this.

Quote: If you go to any seashore, you are bound to see houses built on pillars, and yet the houses don't move. How strange.

Fascinating, but what's that to do with anything.

Quote: The Bible says that rabbits chewed their cud.

Lev. 11:6 And the hare, because he cheweth the cud"

It's just not literal. Get a clue and stop wasting my time.


, the church would spend about 300 years burning people at the stake for being 'heritical'

I've said this, but the Catholic church focused mainly on killing protestants and other Christian groups that didn't follow the Pope. 'Protest-stand' was founded as a protest against papal rule and Mr. Pope didn't like that. Believe it or not, the number of Pagans (or non-Christians) killed is exceedingly low.

Quote: Bible says that bats are birds. They're mammals. Convergent EVILution? eh?

Obviously, Linnean classification wasn't available in the time of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, and the scientific definition of what a bird was didn' exist. Classification of animals was made by different means: form or function. In this case, the word 'birds' simply means 'owner of a wing'.|||yawn|||So what's your point?|||Perhaps a lesson or two in Greek and your face would flush at your errors. Just because you know how to use google doesn't mean it is correct.|||Two phrase that will probably piss you off to no it does with me sometimes: "You took it out of context" or "It's a metaphor."|||This is true, the Bible implies that the world is flat, yet it is actually round. But as we saw with Copernicus (close enough), any objection to this period norm was considered taboo, and the person making the claims was put on trial. If the Bible said the earth was actually round, nobody would believe it and we would have no Christianity or maybe even Judiasm.|||Don't you know learning is banned in Christianity?|||You are looking at it directly. These are clues for you to find out. The Bible is like a guide book. Not an answer book.|||Metaphors. Since I pretty much glanced at your 'question', I will say this: The Earth is a sphere. I think AROUND the world pretty much states just that. Why would it say around the world if it were flat?

**I really don't understand what you're freaking out about. No one is attacking you. We are all stating our own opinions and I think you are being way too sensitive about it. Who cares if someone doesn't see eye to eye with you? They aren't affecting your life unless you let them.|||even if the devil took him on a high mountain it isn't possible to see all of the world, the eye can't see that's not meant to be taken literal, when will you learn?|||Job 38:12-13 "take the earth by the edges and shake the wicked out of it

----Your imputting your own interpretation of it. Multiple speeches and documents have been written reffering to the corners of the just means all the world

Matthew 4:1-12 "[T]he devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them"

Again does not say the earth is flat....and this entire temptation was we dont know what is meant by mountain top

The Bible says that the earth did not move and the sun orbited around the earth because the Bible says that. They were wrong. Galileo was imprisoned for life and one of his friends was killed by the church.

---where does it say that? I hope you are not using psalm 93 to back this belief up...the "world" as it is mentioned here is not reffering to the Globe

It gets boring reading this should just give up|||Actually, GOD is always Right!

Now, whats a Metaphor?

Graze Cows!

Haha, I made a Funny!

There is a Parallel Universe (invisible of course) that makes this Universe Possible.

Could be, that if you Look Into That'n, you might just see some things that are Astounding!|||Do you mean, gasp!, that the bible is wrong. It can't be wrong. It says it is right. So bats must be birds and the sun must revolve around the earth Those pictures from 'space' must be false. Everyone knows that heaven is up there.

Sigh. You make a religious person feel depressed.|||Is this crap the best you can do to discredit Christianity? Will liberals ever learn?|||IM Sorry buddy but your not proving anything to me.. your taking small phrases and bend them to fit your meaning/interpretation... and notice out of the bible you could only find those little quotes... study harder maybe the holy spirit will show you the light t seeing the works of our Lord|||1. "corners of the earth" isn't necessarily literal.

2. the classification for mammals didn't come around until quite some time after the bible was written. At that time, if it flew, it was a bird.

|||If there is one thing I can't stand is people who use the scriptures to try to disprove the religions who revere it. First of all, not all who revere the texts of the Bible take it LITERALLY! Sacred texts are not intended to teach science, history, anthropology, physics or anything else you athiests and non-believers seem to think it should.

Why don't you take a course in scripture from a college or university from the department of Religious Studies? Then you might have some justification to comment. Otherwise, why do you bother.

Listen up, you secular humanists and your ilk. SCIENCE once believed that maggots were born from rotten meat.

That the 4 humors determined diseases in the body. That masturbation made people crazy. Before you expect anyone else to accept your opinions without question, do your bloody homework!

Religious people are not the dolts that some of you think we are. If you have NOTHING constructive to contribute to the questions in this section - go elsewhere. You just make yourselves look like jackasses when you spout on about things you clearly know nothing about.|||Job 38:12 does not state the earth is flat or otherwise.

Matthew 4:1 does not pertain to line of sight

I have yet to find the significance of the Bible where it states the sun orbits the earth. People STILL today refer to the sun as rising and setting.

Psalms 93:1 has nothing to do with the rotation or position of the earth

Samuel 2:8 refers to the foundation that the earth is built on , faith.

Rabbits do chew with nothing in their mouths.

You have to understand something before you charge at it.

It is easier to debate what you do not study.

Get A Grip|||A circle is flat - it's a two-dimensional shape.

A sphere is still round, but not flat.|||The Bible does not say the earth is flat, and neither do any of the scriptures that you quoted.

Where does the Bible say the sun orbits around the earth?

You think the earth can be moved, then move it.

Rabbits do chew the cud, you just don't have all the information. About every dozen or so pellets that a rabbit eliminates is actually a ball of food, which they re-eat.

Is it possible 3500 years ago when the passage is written that they did not catagorize fowl the same as we do. If it flew it was a fowl.

You really are nitpickin'

Pillars is a metaphor.|||I'm a Christian and even I am aware of more perplexing "mysteries" than these. None of what you listed can be used to show the Bible as being in error, and the Bible does not say that the earth is not a sphere. We still talk about the sunrise and sunset, even though everyone knows those are inaccurate terms. And since Bible bashers are so fond of evolution theory, why can't you accept that maybe in olden days that rabbits did chew their cud? That's a lot easier for me to believe than abiogenesis.|||I still don't understand why you think the world is flat.|||Explain the scorpions that John saw in revelations. What are they, o talented one?

With your limited view, I can see why you're confused.

I believe you want to stay there. You need tom right now.|||As others have said, most of your examples are metaphors. They are also based on translations. The Bible was divinely inspired but translated by man over the centuries. If you want to see the Greek or Hebrew I might suggest going over to the Blue Letter Bible (link in sources) where you can look at the original text.

Even then, however, the passages must be taken into context and placed in a time frame and mental setting. That is why people continually study the scriptures as well as history.

Seeing a man fly is magic - knowing that the man was pushed out of an airplane gives relevancy.|||have u ever even studied the bible? do u know what your talking about?

Job is in the OLD testament.

the matthew verse is referring to when satan was tempting Jesus.

the psalm verse isn't a literal meaning. it refers to God's laws/statuets

the samuel verse refers to on how the earth relys on God

in the Lev. verse it was so long ago maybe they did chew theyre own cud??? it was thousands of years ago.

STUDY HARDER THEN U WON'T SOUND LIKE A FOOL|||The bible folks thought that the earth was flat... and that the sky was a solid crystalline dome. The sun and the moon and the stars were INSIDE the dome... and heaven was on the 'other side' of the sky. That's why stories ablut people 'ascending into heaven' were believeable to the ignorant and superstitious shepherds, goat-herders and fishermen. What's why God was so trouble by the Tower of Babel... he was afraid that the builders actually WOULD reach heaven. That is the 'universe' that was created by the god of the bible... that is the universe that is described in Genesis. A couple thousand little-tiny stars so that man could foretell the future. A few 'wandering' stars (the planets)... a sun and a moon that moved by virtue of machinery operated by angels.

It's funny... when people would first suggest that these inviolable, divine biblical 'truths' were WRONG, the church would spend about 300 years burning people at the stake for being 'heritical'... then they would finally give in... and some apoligist would wave his arms... and what was once inviolable, divine biblical 'truth' would get magically transformed into a 'metaphor', or an 'allegory'... and the church would claim that they knew the 'truth' all along... until the NEXT episode.

And christians TODAY are IGNORANT of this... they do not know the history of the world... they so not know the history of the bible... they do not know the history of their own religion.

Ignorance (lack of knowledge) is cureable via education. WILLFUL ignorance... the deliberate refusal to even LOOK at any potentially contradictory evidence... the insistance that "nothing you can tell me will change my mind"... is downright disgusting.|||Oooo, you got us! How clever of you! That's only about the 6 millionth time this stuff has shown up just on this site alone.

Is there like an atheist handbook you pass around with all these clever put-downs in it? ' seriously need to get some fresh material, hon.|||JESUS IS LORD|||You are brain washed in your beliefs, because you have a closed mind and heart. No one that believes the bible believes what you wrote, you miss the point of these passages, these sayings mean things totally different. Do you have the guts to tell us what your religion is if you have one. If it is the Koran you are the one brain washed, if your and atheist your lost. I do know one thing your a coward for not showing your Q%26amp;A's, haven't got the guts to let us know who you really are.|||And I suppose when the weather man says the sun rises and sets in the sky you'll likewise accuse him of ignorance that it's the earth which is rotating and that such does not rise and set. That about right?|||it is very clear that you are not a spiritual person

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