Sunday, February 12, 2012

Science in the Bible?

Job 26:7 "He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing."

but these two passage seem to contradict that

1 Samuel 2:8

The pillars of the earth are the LORD's, and he hath set the world upon them.

Job 9:6

Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble.

So I don't understand what's right and wrong someone explain....Science in the Bible?
I take the Bible, or any holy book for that matter, even less seriously than Harry Potter (and I think Harry Potter is for children below 12). There is no "science" in the Bible or Quran, just some very vague, open-ended poetry that can be taken to mean anything one likes. When you realise that multiple interpretations to each quotation is possible, and that various parts of the Bible contradict each other, you realise how tenuous claims of scientific accuracy of the bible is. Get over it; the Bible is not the absolute guide to the Universe, heck, it is not even an absolute guide to living a good life.
There is no science to be found there. As soon as we start getting into the idea of Earth having pillars, it's time to call it a day.Science in the Bible?
I wouldn't take the bible more seriously than any Harry Potter book. It did not come directly from God, and has been translated numerous times.
its funny to see the two words in the same sentence.

Dont try and look for science, you will never find it. the bible is LITERATURE, nothing moreScience in the Bible?
No science -- poetry.

Psalms 93:1 The LORD reigneth, he is clothed with majesty; the LORD is clothed with strength, wherewith he hath girded himself: the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved.
Contradiction is what makes up 99% of the bible.

The other 1% is just plain wrong.
They were just guessing. Poetic guesswork.

It's a book that was written several hundred years ago.

It's not a good source of scientific information.
That's what the people who lived at the time - DIFFERENT PEOPLE - thought.
It's all poetry. There's no contradiction to be explained.

"My love is like a red, red rose." She needs her leaves spraying to protect her from mildew, rust and aphids. She needs a plentiful supply of manure around her roots. And she can be thorny and prickly if not handled with care.

Ah well, the last sentence is more or less literally true.
Job 26:7

Is proof that the earth is round, not flat like the early apostate church was teaching for hundreds of years.

1 Samuel 2:8

The apostle Paul thus urged Christians in his day. The Bible contains many examples of those who took their concerns to God. Among such ones are Hannah, Elijah, Hezekiah, and Daniel. (1?Sam. 2:1-10; 1?Ki. 18:36, 37; 2?Ki. 19:15-19; Dan. 9:3-21) We should follow their example. Note, too, that Paul’s words show that our prayers can take various forms. He mentioned thanksgiving, that is, prayer in which we express appreciation for what God does for us. This may be accompanied by praise. Supplication refers to humble, earnest entreaty. And we can express petitions, or requests for something specific. (Luke 11:2,?3) Our heavenly Father is happy to accept our approach to him in any of these ways. Let us make good use of this wonderful provision. w06 9/1 2:3

Job 9:6

But what about the Biblical text at Job 9:6? Does it not say of God that “he is making the earth go quaking from its place“? This reveals that God is capable of quaking the earth, but he does not directly cause them all. Yet he has specifically caused some earthquakes in the past in order to further his purpose.

For instance, the giving of the Law covenant at Sinai was accompanied by a shaking of the area. (Ex. 19:18; Ps. 68:8) Later, he opened the earth to swallow up the households of Korah, Dathan and Abiram because of the rebellion of those men against His servants Moses and Aaron.—Num. 16:16-35; 26:9-11.

God is also spoken of as making the earth shake in a figurative way. In the Bible book of Revelation earthquakes from God are used to picture great upheavals in the human earthly system of things.—Rev. 6:12-17; 16:1, 17-21.
So when someone today refers to the "four corners of the earth" they are disputing that the earth is round?

Try again.
It's Not Scientific but an ancient man's description of what's out there....same with Zechariah 14:12 and 2nd Peter 3:12 In Describing the Atom Bomb and It's affects on the Human body.
the 1st is direct science.

the 2 is likely to be a reference to the Law inwhich God shall judge the world.

the 3rd is the worlds responce in front of the Holy One's judgement
1 Samuel 2:8:

8 He raises the poor from the dust

and lifts the needy from the ash heap;

he seats them with princes

and has them inherit a throne of honor.

"For the foundations of the earth are the LORD's;

upon them he has set the world.

It is important to understand the original words that are used and their meaning in either Aramaic, Hebrew or Greek depending on what was used. So the context is foundation... furthermore, there is an axis that isn't really there - but science calls it that - so that's the same thing here. There is a foundation though it is suspended.... see?


Job 6:10 explains the points of the previous verses to it -

10 He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed,

miracles that cannot be counted.

These have to be taken in CONTEXT which you will see me type over and over and over again...

The Bible is a WHOLE.

So, what all this means is this -

God can do ANYTHING. He has created all things and has a plan and design for all things.

Be Blessed!
I believe 1 Samuel 2:8 uses a different Hebrew word, which is more correctly translated "foundation," or "supporting structure." But I'm better with Greek, not Hebrew. I stand to be corrected.

But Job 9:6, and at least one other verse, actually uses "pillar." But this is only found in the poetic books of the Bible.

The poetic books use metaphors, similes, hyperbole, etc. Is a metaphor a contradiction? No, it's just a metaphor.
The full text of 1 Samuel 2:8 is : He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD's, and he hath set the world upon them.

The word “pillars” comes from the Hebrew word meaning to situate on high, as on the top of a column or pillar. So here we see Yahweh taking the least of the people – the poor and the beggar – and lifting them up to a position equal to a prince. Jesus said as much in His sermon on the mount.

In Job the Hebrew word translated “pillars” means a platform or foundation. So here we see it means the very foundations of the earth.

A bible concordance most times works better than a science book.
Friend ,


We really should do as the prophet Isaiah says in chapter 28 ;v 9-10, "line up on line ,here a little and there a little, as there is much more info in our Holy writ ,on the subject of physics and astonomy

dont forget Job is talking to his friends Bildad ,and reproving him for his lack of empathy,and tries to show him of Gods greatness and power.

The earth is bound by the science of physics, the lord has set, Job, a prophet of God; knows how some of these apply.

We have seen the earth from outside,and it does appears to be hanging on nothing ,or an invisable string ,we call this gravity.

Pillars are supports that hold up buildings ,and they are the strengh of it,its a similitude ,a way of relating a truth to billadad, as to how God holds the earth in its position.

If an earhquack was to shake ,and the supports were not strong, as in some buildings; they would fall .

In the book of ISAIAH,he states that the earth will be moved into a new poition ,at somtime in the futuer,and we can put that in context with Job as they appeared to be living on the earth in the same time frame ,and both were prophets of Gods.

Hope this helps.

God bless.

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