Sunday, February 12, 2012

Maternal Death during previous centuries.?

Was it a common practice to bury a child with their mother if maternal death occuried during delivery?

Even if it was premature or not?

I was watching Pillars of the Earth and a woman gave birth to what appeared to be a premature child then she died and then the father basically buried the baby along with her.Maternal Death during previous centuries.?
No it was not - especially it it was a male child. There was always someone around who could breastfeed the child as many woman were constantly either suckling or preagnent but paying a nurse was expensive so not everyone could affort that and no sensible woman suckled another ones child without getting money or at least bed and board as suckling a baby takes a lot of kalories and people in the middle ages commonly did not live in plenty but had a lot less to eat then we today.

Maternal death was very very common and the general rule was rather to save the child then to save the mother. But only high ranking woman got something close to a doctor anyway. Often it was old woman in the villages of older female relatives helping with the delivery of the child.

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