Thursday, February 2, 2012

Proof that Nasa never sent a man to space?

1 Samuel 2:8

The pillars of the earth are the LORD's, and he hath set the world upon them.

Psalm 93:1

Indeed, the (D)world is firmly established, it will not be moved.

So obviously the Earth doesn't rotate around the Sun, all the 'photos' of Earth from space are obviously fake, either that or they photoshopped the pillars out of the pictures to deny the TRUTHProof that Nasa never sent a man to space?
lol@people who think you're not kidding.
I thought that Nasa was an Egyotian oresident who got the Aswan Dam built?

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Proof that Nasa never sent a man to space?
what the hells wrong with you
God was saying the earth will not be moved. He never said anything about man not being moved.Proof that Nasa never sent a man to space?
Proof you need more education........Especially on the rotation thing....p.s. It is rotates on it's axis......
OH pullease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

Here is a sight you might enjoy

all hail!
Ahahaha! Your probably not even kidding.
You're obviously an idiot. And so is your God apparently.
Actually, when man landed on the moon, we left some stuff up there, specifically some panels which reflect light, which you can still see with a powerful enough telescope and some free time.

Note: Some pictures were taken before we had Photoshop. OMG.

I hope you are a troll.
Gee Whiz! Can we all get our tax money back? What else do you think? I'm really impressed with your intelligence. Betcha don't hear that very often, do ya?

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