Sunday, February 12, 2012

Atheists and gravitationists, this question is for you?

How can you believe gravity makes the earth revolve around the sun? gravity makes things fall DOWN. If this was true, why wouldn't the earth fall DOWN into the sun????

I mean, has this "macro-gravity" idea been proven in a lab? Have you guys taken a full- scale model of the sun and earth in a lab, adn watch them rotate around each other? NO!

So this FAITH, this religion you have called "gravity" has blinded you. You don't see the TRUTH in the BIBLE, that the Earth does not move, and is placed on pillars!

1 Samuel 2:8 "For the pillars of the earth are the Lord鈥檚 and he had set the world upon them."

Remember, the Bible is the WORD of GOD, and we must take EVERY WORD literally!

(except the parts we don't like, like cutting your hands off. Ouch!)Atheists and gravitationists, this question is for you?
You forgot Ecclesiastes 1:5, which proves that the sun actually goes around the earth.

To go along with that, according to the Bible the earth does not move.

Ps 93:1, Ps 96:10, 1 chr 16:30.

Which must be true since, as you pointed out, it is placed on pillars.

So, obviously, if the earth does not move, the sun must go around the earth.
You have GOT to be kidding.

Why create it in a lab when we've already been UP there?

We have these things called satellites, astronomers, NASA...

There's more I want to type...I'm just amazed that anyone could "think" according to that ridiculous book and be totally oblivious to science...Atheists and gravitationists, this question is for you?
You are right. All praise Atlas for keeping us from falling into the sun.
Lol Parody...Atheists and gravitationists, this question is for you?
LOL -- the risk in using sarcasm is that your audience might not recognize it.
I'm glad you're joking.
No, no, no, you've got it all wrong. If gravity were real the sun and moon would fall down to the earth rather than staying in the sky.
I only believe that I am alive.. everything else is dogma
Wow. Some gullibilists have strange understandings of gravity, such as you. The earth does fall into the sun. Learn a little science and you will see that it is true. You can also understand why it never reaches the sun.
get me a satellite image of these pillars - and then MAYBE we will talk!!!!
Except that we keep MISSING...
Lucky for us, the turtles are keeping us up.
The Earth is falling toward the sun
good one
Sure, much of what I assume is, if you put it like that, 'faith' based. Got me. Well done. Good thinking. Unfortunately, the reason I don't believe in God is that 'omnnipotent, loves us' and 'sends us to hell' actually can't describe the same entity. Kind of a logic thing. If you could stick to what is logically possible, you could probably get me to go easy on all sorts of stuff: Sasquatch, Loch Ness Monster, Man eating plants....
Gravity cannot be scientifically proven via the taste, touch, smell, see and hear format of scientific provability; therefore, gravity is but a myth. Study Harder humans.

Charles Zaius Ph.D
Pretty good fundy parody! I particularly like the "atheists and gravitationists" part because it always makes me cringe when they write "atheist evolutionists" or some equivalent. As though evolutionary theory is only accept by atheists and part of some huge secret conspiracy on the part of atheists.
ROTFLOL.Take that you creationists!
You've convinced me. Where do I sign up.
Gravity is simply a matter of faith. Isaac Newton got hit on the head with an Apple and simply concluded that something called gravity made it fall. What he failed to understand was that God's hand was right there pushing the apple down. All you need to do to see that everything orbits the Earth is watch how the moon and the sun travel through the sky and see that they are orbiting the Earth.
Hey, I'm with you. I mean, NOBODY has yet sat in space for a year and actually OBSERVED the earth going around the sun. How do you KNOW it happened if you haven't SEEN it happen? You can't! Heliocentric Theory is JUST a theory! It hasn't been proven!
If I call the alternative hypothesis 'intelligent falling,' can I pretend it's scientific?
All i can do is *sigh* and say give me a break -_-
LOL awesome. You made the atheist laugh. Star for you.
This is why I'm a proponent of Intelligent Falling theory.
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