Sunday, February 12, 2012

Will some Christians EVER learn?

The Bible says the earth was flat or a circle (contradicts itself), Magellan sailed AROUND the earth proving that the earth is a sphere.

Job 38:12-13 take the earth by the edges and shake the wicked out of it

Matthew 4:1-12 [T]he devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them

The Bible says that the earth did not move and the sun orbited around the earth because the Bible says that. They were wrong. Galileo was imprisoned for life and one of his friends was killed by the church.

(Psalms 93:1)Surely the world is established so that it cannot be moved.

Samuel 2:8)For the pillars of the earth are the Lord's, And He has set the world upon them. If you go to any seashore, you are bound to see houses built on pillars, and yet the houses don't move. How strange.

The Bible says that rabbits chewed their cud.

Lev. 11:6 And the hare, because he cheweth the cudWill some Christians EVER learn?
Is this crap the best you can do to discredit Christianity? Will liberals ever learn?
No it doesn't.

i have said this time %26amp; time again:

the ancient people knew that the wind blew from 4 directions-North, South, East %26amp; West.

Since they didn't have the knowledge that we have now, they assumed that the earth had 4 corners.

As for you choice of Matthew:

Satan is a supernatural being, %26amp; supernaturally showed all the earth at the same time!Will some Christians EVER learn?
John 1:17-18

For the laws were given by Moses BUT grace and TRUTH came by Jesus Christ.

No MAN hath seen God at ANY TIME.

Jesus himself said,

Ye have neither heard his voice at ANY TIME nor seen his SHAPE. (John 5:37)

Jesus said,

Mose gave you NOT that bread from heaven (John 6:32)

Jesus said,

As Moses lifted up the SERPENT (John 3:14)

Jesus said,

Ye know not what ye WORSHIP.

you're a liar. not one of your citations says FLAT. i wonder if you'll learn, none of those even infer the flat earth theory. and the Bible never contradicts itself, it just loses stupid people turning the corner.Will some Christians EVER learn?
Another bible mocker. They have been trying for 2000 years, and haven't succeeded yet. But, you keep trying. Good luck with that.
Atheists also say that the sun rises in the east. go figure. lol psalm 14:1 Next time educate yourself before willingly posting foolishness. God Bless
Interesting verses. Makes me think.
The bible was never meant to be a science book.
christians already know the truth

will unbelievers ever stop twisting the scriptures and meanings to try and support their argument

the bible never says the earth is flat, misinterpretation on the unbelievers part

poetic language used in job yet unbelievers take it as literal, misinterpretation on the unbelievers part

no the bible did not say the earth stayed still and the sun revolved around the earth

misinterpretation on the unbelievers part

it is a form of speaking

listen to the news cast for the weather today

they tell the time when the sun will rise and set

again poetic language not literal, misinterpretation on the unbelievers part

rabbits and chew the cud, misinterpretation on the unbelievers part of what is being said鈥?/a>

It is known that rabbits practice what is called "refection," in which indigestible vegetable matter contains certain bacteria and is passed as droppings and then eaten again. This process enables the rabbit to better digest it. This process is very similar to rumination, and it gives the impression of chewing the cud. So, the Hebrew phrase "chewing the cud" should not be taken in the modern technical sense, but in the ancient sense of a chewing motion that includes both rumination and refection in the modern sense.

christians are not responsible because unbelievers purposely skew the scriptures

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