Sunday, February 12, 2012

Atheists, do you understand that not everything in the Bible was meant to be literally true?

There are many metaphors in the Bible just as there are in MOST books.

If something in the Bible contradicts science or history, many times the verse is simply being taken out of context. For example, the pillars of the earth is a metaphor. The Bible actuallycalls the earth a sphere.

Also, there are many allegories that were never meant to be literally true by the people who first wrote them. The original writers like to add figurative language to the book.Atheists, do you understand that not everything in the Bible was meant to be literally true?
I think that a lot of Christians need to hear this message more than atheists do.
Of course we understand that. Most Christians understand that (as obviously you do, assuming you are Christian). I go further and point out that where the Bible is contradicting science or history, it's not just "being taken out of context", it's because the people who were writing it down had no idea of science and in many cases were attempting to rewrite history years after the fact. They were writing to convince their readers, not to set out an actual historical record.

However, there are a number of individuals who don't understand that it's metaphor (or myth or propaganda), and are totally confident that every word in the Bible is the absolute, literal truth. And it's mostly these people we're addressing, trying to crack that rigid shell just a little.Atheists, do you understand that not everything in the Bible was meant to be literally true?
As an atheist, I am aware that not everything in the Bible was meant to be taken literally. I am also aware, however, that MOST Christians are unable to distinguish between figurative language and a statement of fact. In other words, I'm not the one who believes every word of it -- they are, and that's what makes them dangerous.
Why is it every time the bible contradicts it's self, you people automatically call it a metaphor?

The bible clearly states that a woman shouldn't speak in church. If she learns anything, it should be in the privacy of her home, and from her husband.

What does that mean? Metaphorically speaking? How does that make you feel as a woman?Atheists, do you understand that not everything in the Bible was meant to be literally true?
If you would be so kind to explain exactly which parts are literal and which parts are not.

What about the stoning to death of people for various transgressions? Is that literal, or is that a metaphorical/allegorical stoning?

Please explain this to me, as I would love to know.
I take it that "God created the heavens and the earth" are metaphors as well. It's only a matter of time, before people bundle up together in a room and decide which one is literal and which is a metaphor and afterward - tell it to everyone else who reads the same book.

EDIT: The reasons why most Christians can't agree on which events are TRUE and which events aren't taken literally is that because they don't know what passes as evidence. Also, if the tale between God and Satan were true, why is it that Satan had caused less suffering on Earth?
Shut up and stop making excuses.

This question should read "Christians, do you understand that not everything in the Bible was meant to be literally ".

PS, they call it a circle. And so were they joking when they said the world is 4000 years old? Or when they said a dude named Adam and a chick named Eve were the first humans? Please.

Edit: Ohwaitwaitwait, wait up a second. So 'God's people' wrote the bible, people didn't understand/were confused/ disputed over it, and all of a sudden it's Seyton's fault?

Wow, scapegoat much.
If a god exists and he wrote a book I presume it would be scientifically accurate, clear, concise, and to the point without having to guess it's meaning.
Yeah, I know. eg. (Noah's Arc is probably an exaggeration of a normal sized flood.)...

I don't believe in any religion or the idea of God(s). Religion is ridiculous to me, but I do respect those who are religious.
You are right, especially when it comes to the book of Revelation. Even Ezekiel saw a wheel in a wheel, with eyes all around it. I don't pretend to understand that.
Yes I understand that, however I find Christianity to be alien to my core and to be morally lacking. Which is why I would never return to being a Christian.

I'm an atheistic Asatruar.
Yeah, right, tell THAT to your fellow xtian fundies who DO insist it is literally true!
hey do you understand that part of you brain isn't working - the parts that make rational decisions; yeah isn't that scary? what part of your brain are you going to turn off next, maybe speech ?
Then why do the believers keep saying that everything in the Bible is the literal truth? Atheist don't do that.
Ok so who decides what is metaphorical and what is literal?

Wow free will decides that means anyone can decide what is a sin and what isn't. Sign me up.



and all the rest????

Then why do fundie Christians always say we have to take the WHOLE bible to be the literal truth? And that only the KJV counts??
Yes, but how do YOU know all this?

Isn't this question better aimed at Christians? Atheists know that the bible is just a religious book. It's Christians who take it literally.
Unless the whole invisible sky daddy thing is meant to be taken metaphorically, too, I'm still not buying it.
That's interesting, though many christian groups take every word of the bible to be literal. It's absurd.
And not everything in Mother Goose was meant to be taken literally. That doesn't mean I believe any of it.
Why don't you ask the fundies? I completely understand the use of metaphor and allegory... even if it doesn't apply.
Omg could it finally be happening? The theist finally realize this book they have been reading is JUST A BOOK? And that god is just a metaphor? I just might take up praying to God this is so amazing
Are you NUTS????

Why are you telling US?

We've been telling the fundies that on a daily basis for freaging YEARS.

Tell THEM, not US.

Thumbs down to you, babe.
So who are you to decipher "god's word" and be able to tell which is meant as fact and which is parable?
So you are saying God, Abraham and Jesus are just metaphors.

Very good.

I think you are finally getting it.
I believe the whole thing was a metaphor, but some of you take it literally.
No, either you believe it all or you don't you stupid delusional rotten-minded theist
Tell that to the Fundamentalists too, please, and see what response you get. I guarantee it won't be as polite as this one!
The assumption that the Bible is true is purely a science book.
I don't think an atheist would care either way, since they put no credence in the Bible.
I always took it to be more of a symbolic book than a history book. But I don't believe it's truthful.

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