Saturday, February 18, 2012

How come muhammad knew that mountain has a function as stake and reduce earth quack due to continental drift?

Have We not made the earth a resting place?And the mountains as stakes? (78:6-7)

He created the heavens without pillars that you see and has cast into the earth firmly set mountains, lest it should shift with you, and dispersed therein from every creature. And We sent down rain from the sky and made grow therein [plants] of every noble kind.(31:10)How come muhammad knew that mountain has a function as stake and reduce earth quack due to continental drift?
The Quran has scientific value if you're a retard.
He said the mountains prevents the earth from shaking. Its actually the earth's shaking that creates mountainsHow come muhammad knew that mountain has a function as stake and reduce earth quack due to continental drift?
How come Hercules knew that Pegassus could fart far more further than mahomet did when he was F$^T** his camel?
The correct bits were ripped off from the Bible, the wrong bits were made up by Muhammad.How come muhammad knew that mountain has a function as stake and reduce earth quack due to continental drift?
I have never heard the earth quack. I can't speak for Muhammad.
quack quack quack said mr. ducky
no he didn't.
Well now we know you are just a troll.
The same phrase "he set the mountains firmly" can also be seen in 13:3, 16:15, 27:61, 31:10, 41:10.

It's like they don't know mountains are formed from the Earth moving constantly in that area. It's from tectonic plate collisions, and more. Many mountains are formed from volcanoes. Japan has many mountains, and it recently had a huge earthquake, and it's one of the most active earthquake prone areas in the world. Hawaii was created from moving mountains rising out of the sea, and forming volcanoes. They have earthquakes there all the time. So this is actually an error in the Quran.

"A mountain is usually produced by the movement of lithospheric plates, either orogenic movement or epeirogenic movement."…

I've seen the new claims that say the Qur'an prophecied scientific discoveries that were not known until modern times. However they all are either way too vague to be a real scientific claim because they could have been talking about something else, or it actually was known in those times.

If Muhammud really had scientific evidence from the future from an omniscient deity, he wouldn't have made so many of the so called scientific claims vague, or he wouldn’t have made it so most of the time they are talking about another subject instead of talking about the subject of the science claim letting us know they are trying to prove it. Also he wouldn’t have made phrases that are easy to interpret as something else, and have the possibility that it was just a Muslim searching through the pages for something that could be interpreted in such a way as to be in line with the science.

Since according to the Qur'an Allah is omniscient, if he actually wanted to prove something he could say, "On this date, in this country, this will be discovered, and here is the many details about that certain thing." One might say, "but it would be discovered earlier then the prophecy because he described it." but if Allah is omniscient he would know a way to leave out the details on how to discover it, and if it were discovered early, he could just say it was on that date, since his omniscience would enable him to know the date something was discovered if he described it in a certain way.

The ones I have seen are what is called postdiction.

Also even if it were proven that the Qur'an made science claims that the society at the time didn't know, that wouldn't automatically prove it was from a magical deity. Most astronomers today agree there most likely is life beyond our planet. I don't know if they have the technology to visit Earth, but it's at least as possible as saying a magical man that made the universe did it. Astronomers have said there are more stars out there than grains of sand than every beach on the Earth, and many of them have solar systems just like ours, and at this very moment they are in the middle of discovering many Earth like planets. Consider that life with our present technology evolved after the universe is 13.7 billion years old. Also consider how much our technology has advanced in the past few centuries. Today's smart phones would be considered witch craft a couple centuries ago. There could be life out there which has technology a billion years ahead of us.

It is very easy to make a prophecy fulfilled. Its trying to match up words with the countless events in history. This is trying to match up a big book of words with the countless scientific discoveries that have happened in the last few centuries. Some people can also make a prophecy vague, or say words in a way that are open to interpretation. Someone can also say something they thought was probably going to happen. They can get away with it that way. On top of that, coincidences happen. There wouldn't be a way to tell if the prophecy fulfilling event was not just a very lucky coincidence. Another way is if the person knew the prophecy beforehand and intentionally made it happen. All of these things are similar to many science claims by different religions.

Feel free to test me on this, I don't have time to go through every single one of those claims because there were over a hundred, but if they were all evidence then someone should be able to pick out the 5 best that definitely are evidence. You can list what you think are the 5 best and I can explain them if you want to email me.

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