Thursday, January 26, 2012

Did you know the earth is held up by pillars?

I Samuel 2:8 "For the pillars of the earth are the Lord鈥檚 and he had set the world upon them."

Job 9:6 "Who shakes the earth out of its place, and its pillars tremble."

Did you know the earth is held up by pillars?
Mine is held up by these


Pivots on the North and South pole location

I am looking at it sitting on the cabinet next to my desk here where I am at right now

I don't know what store Samuel got his at but I kind of think it might be in need to be replaced

It all makes sense now...Did you know the earth is held up by pillars?
Just keep reading. Later on it says that God hung the earth on nothing. He should know because He made it.
Yes, and the sky is folded around it like a tent.Did you know the earth is held up by pillars?
I wonder what a metaphor is?

I wish there was some book or some resource on the internet where I could look up the meanings of words

Man that would be so cool if something like that existed
It's turtles, all the way down!

Seriously, don't forget that the Earth is in the center of the universe, and the sky is a canopy hovering directly overhead, with the stars just a few miles away.
thats not all. there is nothing futuristic mentioned in the bible proving it is built with knowledge from the time period.
Wow those pillars must be pretty strong and sturdy.

Hi, Xoom:

You took Job out of context, when there is an earthquake, all pillars shake! Now read Job 26:7 "He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, [and] hangeth the earth upon nothing."

Did you know Jesus is the Creator and Redeemer and the only part of the Bible closed until "the end of the days" proves it?

Shalom, peace in Jesus, Ben Yeshua
You're a funny little atheist. I bet you make fun of Christians for taking things literally too. lol
is that so ? I don't believe any space craft has bumped into these pillars yet.
Hmm, well why didn't they just build earth on whatever the bottom of the pillars are resting. That would make more sense, instead having a big empty space in there, plus it would be alot more solid and structurally sound :P
Because the people who wrote the Bible had no understanding of geology or astronomy
That's funny because it Job it also says that the Earth hangs on nothing. It is in the same book of the bible. But I guess you just picked out what you wanted to pick out without considering the rest of the book. What you are doing is called eisegesis and not exegesis. But as the scripture shows, in reality you are in rebellion against God and you will give an account for your rebellion to Him. Repent.


There you go again. The book of Job is one single unit and if you actually study the bible you would be surprised concerning its unity and intertextuality. I keeps me studying it for a life time. In fact Jesus constantly referred to the Old Testament as a basis for teaching, as did Paul and the Apostles. The same commandments are reiterated through out the Old Testament even when the majority of the Israelites couldn't be bothered following the Law of God and persecuted their own prophets. But are you really interested in learning this or are you more interested taking a single dubious verse and thinking you can use it to undermine the biblical record? Therefore I say again, repent.
Sounds like somebody slept through Hebrew poetry class. (And English lit.)

Do you apply the same criteria to Shakespeare? (Of course you don't.) Robert Frost? (You HAVE heard of him, haven't you? How about Browning?)

Yes. Poetry. Look it up. Interesting concept. (While you are at it, look up similes and metaphors.)

Oh, the sun is rising as I look out my window this morning. (That obviously must mean that I'm ignorant of astronomy and don't realize that the sun is relatively stationary and the earth revolves around the sun. Yep. Ya got me on that one!)

I'd give you a dollar if I could be sure that you would use it to GET A CLUE.
Your inability to grasp a simple concept like metaphor indicates to me that you would not know the answer if you got it.
When a woman has an orgasm and she says "The earth moved," don't take it that literally either, alright.
So apparently you do not understand poetry. This is not meant to be a scientific observation and taken in context it is clear to the meaning.
From the standpoint of earth from the ground, it isn't difficult to deduce the "pillars" as that beneath the visible ground which supports it. Hence the phrase that such pillars should tremble(as in earthquakes, the ground shaking underneath). I would also not count out the metaphorical sense of such pillars however as they are also used to describe that which holds up the heavens: "The pillars of heaven tremble and are astonished at his reproof." (Job 26:11)

Reply: I think you are confusing the Isaiah(er rather Job) passage, that says that God hangs the earth on nothing, to suppose that all references of the earth pertain to the modern definition of the earth, seas + ground. But biblically, that isn't so. The ground was called the Earth in Genesis 1, so it is according to this definition that I made my previous remark.
When I first saw your question, I groaned a bit saying to myself..aww c'mon now Xoom, don't go trolling! But now after seeing the answers, I can't help but laugh.

It is a fact that the ancient Hebrew view of the earth ( and the view that was widespread in the ancient Levant) was that of a flat circular disc of earth supported by pillars and over this were layers of "heavens".

Water was one layer, and the source of rain.

The fact that they did not have the paradigm of a globe shaped earth is apparent throughout their imagery and also from the positions that the early church took in their world views, borrowing from the Hebrew Bible. Maps of early medieval Europe almost always show a flat disc shaped earth, with Jerusalem at the CENTER of the earth.

They also believed the sun revolved around the earth.

These same ancient people had no knowledge of germs or a million other facts that we take for granted today.

Why is this hard for some people to accept?

edit: The thumbs down is evidence of the difficulty of acceptance that I just mentioned! OY!
Well in the Book of Om, it is written, "And the Great Atuin carried the four elephants and on their backs the yoke of the Disc was laid."

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